Watchlist Wednesdays: Chompy & The Girls (2021)

Watchlist Wednesdays: Chompy & The Girls (2021)

If you’re looking for a wild ride of a film that blends low-budget horror, sci-fi, and offbeat humor, Chompy & The Girls is a must-watch. Released in 2021, this indie gem weaves bizarre concepts into what could easily have been a simple family drama, resulting in a story that’s as heartwarming as it is grotesquely silly. Below, I’ll break down the film's plot, cast, and why it stands out for fans of unconventional horror and science fiction.

Plot Summary: When Family Reunions Go Weird

At its core, Chompy & The Girls follows a strained father-daughter reunion between Sam and his estranged suicidal daughter, Jackson. Their awkward attempt at reconnecting  at a public park takes a sharp turn when they witness a man unhinge his jaw and swallow a little girl whole. What follows is a chase to uncover the truth behind the mysterious figure they affectionately nickname "Chompy," who defies explanation with his big mouth powers. Along the way, Sam and Jackson are joined by a quirky group of characters, who all find themselves caught in an increasingly surreal situation that could define the future of humanity forever.
The plot quickly escalates from family drama to full-on body horror, with a hefty dose of silliness thrown in. Despite its bizarre premise, the film keeps you grounded with its heartfelt exploration of strained relationships, making it as emotionally resonant as it is totally batshit kooky.

The Cast: Small, but Mighty Performances

Chompy & The Girls relies heavily on its small cast, and they deliver performances that are both funny and genuine. Christy St. John shines as Jackson, balancing her character’s sarcasm and deep-seated emotional wounds. Where other actors may attempt to dull their cringe-factor, Christy St. John excels because of leaning into it. This gives the character an altogether realistic tone, instead of creating yet another Hollywood "cool girl" as our heroine. Steve Marvel brings a subtle awkwardness to Sam, whose attempts to bond with his newly-discovered adult daughter clash with the chaotic, supernatural events that unfold. If you were to throw any detached father into a chaotic plot like this film has, I guarantee he'd react similarly to what Steve Marvel brings to the character - which is a delicate balance of hope and helplessness.
For an indie film with a modest budget, the cast manages to sell both the absurd and human elements of the story, making you care about the characters even as you’re processing the bizarrely hilarious and horrific situations they find themselves in.

Visual Aesthetic: Low-Budget, High-Weirdness

Given the film’s low budget, Chompy & The Girls relies on its strange premise and practical effects to keep viewers hooked. While it may not have the polished visual effects of a Hollywood blockbuster, the film’s charm comes from its ability to use incredibly unique practical effects to create unsettling moments and unforgettable characters. The film leans into its weirdness with bold visuals and wild imagery, most notably the terrifyingly exaggerated jaw-unhinging scenes that make Chompy uniquely memorable in comparison to other "monsters" in the horror genre. The practical effects, combined with somehow nostalgic cinematography that brings me back to the days of shooting on mini DV tapes, give the film a distinct aesthetic that’s both heartwarming and strangely captivating. Even more impressive, this underseen gem was shot in only 20 days!

Why Watch It: A Unique Blend of Horror and Sci-Fi

What sets Chompy & The Girls apart from other horror films is its effortless blending of strange, otherworldly concepts that ultimately cradles a straightforward family drama. The movie’s oddball premise doesn’t feel forced—it feels like an organic part of the world director Skye Braband has created, with loads of indie charm. If you’re a fan of low-budget horror with a sprinkle of sci-fi and humor, Chompy & The Girls should be on your watchlist. The film manages to be deeply weird without losing its emotional core - and its mix of horror, humor, and heart sets it apart from more traditional creature or slasher horror fare.

Where to Watch: Available on VOD Platforms

Chompy & The Girls is currently available to stream on various VOD platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, and Google Play. It’s a perfect late-night watch when you’re in the mood for something truly offbeat and unexpected - and I highly recommend it for group watch nights!

Final Thoughts

Chompy & The Girls is a refreshing take on indie horror and science fiction, combining oddball humor with unsettling imagery and a heartwarming undercurrent. Its strange premise and quirky execution make it a great watch for those who enjoy unique, low-budget horror that doesn’t take itself seriously in the slightest, but still packs an emotional punch. Whether you're looking for a movie with lots of twists and turns, or just something truly different from the norm, Chompy & The Girls delivers.
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